Niklas Wahlberg and Andrew V. Z. Brower- Charaxes (monophyly uncertain)
- unplaced Charaxes species (not a clade) (non-monophyletic)
- Charaxes alpinus
- Charaxes alticola
- Charaxes amandae
- Charaxes analava
- Charaxes andara
- Charaxes andranodorus
- Charaxes antiquus
- Charaxes balfouri
- Charaxes barnsi
- Charaxes bernardii
- Charaxes bernsdorffi
- Charaxes brainei
- Charaxes cacuthis
- Charaxes carteri
- Charaxes chintechi
- Charaxes chittyi
- Charaxes chunguensis
- Charaxes daria
- Charaxes defulvata
- Charaxes diversiforma
- Charaxes dowsetti
- Charaxes dubiosus
- Charaxes ephyra
- Charaxes figini
- Charaxes fulgurata
- Charaxes fuscus
- Charaxes gallagheri
- Charaxes galleyanus
- Charaxes gerdae
- Charaxes grahamei
- Charaxes junius
- Charaxes karkloof
- Charaxes kheili
- Charaxes larseni
- Charaxes lemosi
- Charaxes loandae
- Charaxes lucyae
- Charaxes lydiae
- Charaxes manica
- Charaxes margaretae
- Charaxes marieps
- Charaxes martini
- Charaxes matakall
- Charaxes monteiri
- Charaxes murphyi
- Charaxes musakensis
- Charaxes nandina
- Charaxes nyikensis
- Charaxes octavus
- Charaxes odysseus
- Charaxes overlaeti
- Charaxes paradoxa
- Charaxes pelias
- Charaxes penricei
- Charaxes phaeus
- Charaxes phoebus
- Charaxes phraortes
- Charaxes pondoensis
- Charaxes prettejohni
- Charaxes saperanus
- Charaxes schiltzei
- Charaxes smilesi
- Charaxes subrubidus
- Charaxes taverniersi
- Charaxes tessieri
- Charaxes thysi
- Charaxes thomasius
- Charaxes usumbarae
- Charaxes vansoni
- Charaxes variata
- Charaxes velox
- Charaxes violetta
- Charaxes virescens
Three palaeotropical genera of large, fruit-feeding nymphalids. Larvae have "horns" on the head capsule and bifid "tails" like those of Satyrinae. The recent molecular analysis of Aduse-Poku et al. (2009) implies quite strongly that Charaxes is paraphyletic with respect to both Euxanthe and Polyura. However, the latter two genera are clearly monophyletic.
Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships
The list of species included here below the link to Charaxes are those species that have not been sampled in the phylogenetic studies upon which the tree is based or assigned to a species group by the cited authors.
They ARE part of Charaxes, but are listed here because including them within Charaxes makes Charaxes and Charaxini equivalent groups and collapses the tribe, due to the apparent paraphyly of the former.
Ackery PR, Smith CR, and Vane-Wright RI eds. 1995. Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
Aduse-Poku, K., Vingerhoedt, E.,Wahlberg, N. 2009. Out-of-Africa again: A phylogenetic hypothesis of the genus Charaxes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on 5 gene regions. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 53, 463-478.
Larsen, T. B. 2005 Butterflies of West Africa. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Charaxes jasius |
Location | Ourense, Galicia, Spain |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | charaxes jasius |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 Julio Iglesias |
Scientific Name | Polyura hebe |
Location | Singapore |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Polyura hebe plautus (Plain Nawab) |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 AK |
About This Page
Niklas Wahlberg
University of Turku, Finland
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Niklas Wahlberg at and Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2012 Niklas Wahlberg and
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. Niklas Wahlberg and Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 25 September 2006
- Content changed 12 March 2012
Citing this page:
Wahlberg, Niklas and Andrew V. Z. Brower. 2012. Charaxini in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 12 March 2012 (under construction).