(data as of June 2002)
Nominal Genus-Level Taxa
Acrololigo Grimpe, 1921a:301.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Alloteuthis Wulker, 1920 [fide Naef (1923:209)]; New name for Acroteuthis Berry, 1913
Acroteuthis Berry, 1913d:590.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Alloteuthis Wulker, 1920 [fide Naef (1923:209)]; New name for Teuthis Schneider, 1784
Acruroteuthis Berry, 1920c:67.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Alloteuthis Wulker, 1920 [fide Naef (1923:209)]; New name for Acroteuthis Berry, 1913
Aestuariolus Alexeyev, 1992:21.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Uroteuthis (Photololigo)
[fide Vecchione et al. (1998:219)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loliolus noctiluca Lu, Roper
and Tait, 1985 by monotypy
Afrololigo Brakoniecki, 1986:92.
Steenstrup, 1881 [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:216)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Lolliguncula mercatoris Adam,
1941 by original designation
Afrololigo Alexeyev, 1992:22.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Preoccupied; See Afrololigo
Brakoniecki, 1986
TYPE SPECIES. -- Lolliguncula mercatoris Adam,
1941 by monotypy
(Alloteuthis) Wulker, 1920:56.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid subgenus of Loligo
Lamarck, 1798 [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo media LinnÈ,
1758 by original designation of Naef in an unpublished manuscript cited by Wulker
[see Vecchione et al. (1998)]
(Amerigo) Brakoniecki, 1986:106.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Incertae sedis [fide Sweeney and
Vecchione (1998:224)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo pealeii Lesueur, 1821
by original designation
Chondrosepia Ruppell and Leuckart, 1828:21.
Blainville, 1824 [fide Ehrenberg (1831:[3])]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Chondrosepia loliginiformis
Ruppell and Leuckart, 1828 by monotypy
Doryteuthis Naef, 1912d:742.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Unresolved subgenus of Loligo
Lamarck, 1798 [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:216)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo plei Blainville, 1823;
species first mentioned and subsequent designation of Naef (1923:193)]
Heterololigo Natsukari, 1984a:234.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Incertae sedis [fide Sweeney and
Vecchione (1998:224)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo bleekeri Keferstein,
1866 by original designation
Loligo Huddesford in Lister, 1770: appendix pl 9.
1798 [See Opinion 1861, ICZN (1997:59); Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:232)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- None designated
Loligo Schneider, 1784:110.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- "Never published"; rejected generic name [fide Opinion 233, ICZN (1954:277)] [See Octopodia loligo Schneider, 1784]
Loligo Lamarck, 1798:130.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Opinion 1861, ICZN
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798
by subsequent designation of Children (1823)
Loligopsis Lamarck, 1822 In 1815-1822:659.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Nomen dubium [fide Berry (1932:50)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligopsis peronii Lamarck,
1822 by monotypy
Loliolopsis Berry, 1929:266.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid subgenus of Lolliguncula
Steenstrup, 1881 [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo diomedeae Hoyle, 1904,
by monotypy and synonymy with original designation, Loliolopsis
chiroctes Berry, 1929
Loliolus Steenstrup, 1856:193.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Vecchione et al.
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo hardwickei Gray, 1849,
by synonymy with original designation, Loliolus
typus Steenstrup, 1856 [fide Lu et al. (1985:59)]
Lolliguncula Steenstrup, 1881:242 [note].
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Vecchione et al.
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo brevis Blainville, 1823
by original designation
Naefidium Grimpe, 1920a:210.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Idiosepius Steenstrup,
1881 [fide Sasaki (1929:132)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo picteti Joubin, 1894
by original designation
(Nipponololigo) Natsukari, 1983:313.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid subgenus of Loliolus
Steenstrup, 1856 [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo japonica Hoyle, 1885
by original designation
Photololigo Natsukari, 1984a:230.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid subgenus of Uroteuthis
Rehder, 1945 [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo edulis Hoyle, 1885 by
original designation
Pickfordiateuthis Voss, 1953:602.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Brakoniecki (1996:9)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Pickfordiateuthis pulchella
Voss, 1953 by monotypy
Pteroteuthis Blainville, 1824:174.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Nomen dubium [fide Sweeney and Vecchione
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo vulgaris Lister, 1770
by monotypy
Pteroteuthis Ehrenberg, 1831:[3].
Naef, 1912 [fide Naef (1912d:742)]; = Loligo
Lamarck, 1798 [fide Natsukari (1984a:234)] [see Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:232)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Pteroteuthis arabica Ehrenberg,
1831 by monotypy
Sepioteuthis Blainville, 1824:175.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Vecchione et al.
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo sepioidea Blainville,
1823 by original designation
Teuthis Schneider, 1784:113.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- "Never published"; rejected generic name [fide Opinion 233, ICZN (1954:277)] [See Octopodia teuthis Schneider, 1784]
Uroteuthis Rehder, 1945:21.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Vecchione et al.
TYPE SPECIES. -- Uroteuthis bartschi Rehder,
1945 by original designation
(Vossia) Alexeyev, 1992:21.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Uroteuthis (Photololigo)
Natsukari, 1984 [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo (Loligo) vossi Nesis,
1982 by original designation
Nominal Species-Level Taxa (As Introduced Binomial)
Lolliguncula abulati Adam, 1955:185, pl 50 fig 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) abulati [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 2-4-421 [fide Lu et al. (1995:310)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Ile Abulat, Ilot Nord
Loligo aequipoda Ruppell, 1844:132 [4].
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Todarodes sagittatus
(Lamarck, 1798) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:230)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- SMF Lectotype 26766a [fide Schafer (1938:86)]; BMNH
Holotype 1845.9.8.6 [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:105)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Messina, Sicily
Loligo affinis Lafont, 1871:273, pl 13.
Lamarck, 1798 [fide Naef (1923:197)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. – Unresolved; Syntypes
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Bassin d'Arcachon [in Bay of Biscay, France]
Loliolus affinis Steenstrup, 1856:194, pl 1 fig 6.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loliolus
(Loliolus) affinis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Syntypes (2) [fide Kristensen and Knudsen
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Between Cape Town and Tranquebar (Indian Ocean)
Sepia affinis D'Orbigny, 1826:156.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --?Sepioteuthis sepioidea
(Blainville, 1823) (pars) [fide Adam and Rees (1966:149)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- “Le cap de Bonne-Esperance, Monfort”
Alloteuthis africana Adam, 1950b:1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Alloteuthis) africana [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 0∞03'S, 9∞07'E (southeast Atlantic)
Loligo alessandrinii Verany, 1847:514.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Ancistrocheirus lesueurii
(D'Orbigny, 1842 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848) [fide Bello (1992:144)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MHNN? Holotype? [other Verany taxa
there fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean
Pteroteuthis arabica Ehrenberg, 1831:[3].
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) arabica [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMB Holoype Moll.-76027 [fide Glaubrecht and
Salcedo-Vargas (2000:272)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Red Sea [fide Adam (1941d:2)]
Sepioteuthis arctipinnis Gould, 1852:479, fig 593.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 (pars) [fide Adam (1939d:29)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Type not extant [fide Johnson (1964:32)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Maui, Sandwich [Hawaiian] Islands
Lolliguncula argus Brakoniecki and Roper, 1985:47, figs 1-2.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species with unresolved generic
affinity [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:221)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 815750
TYPE LOCALITY. -- La Plata Island, Ecuador
Loligo aspera Ortmann, 1888:661, pl 25 fig 3.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Loliolus (Nipponololigo)
uyii (Wakiya and Ishikawa, 1921) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:226)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MZUS Syntypes [fide Johnson (1977:236)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Kochi, Japan
Loligo australis Gray, 1849:71.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Lu and Phillips
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1947.3.19.2 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Newcastle, Australia
Sepioteuthis australis Quoy and Gaimard, 1832:77, pl 4 fig 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Vecchione et al.
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntype 2-5-430 (beaks only) [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- New Holland [Australia], probably Port Western
Loligo banksii Leach, 1817b:141.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Onychoteuthis
banksii [fide D'Orbigny (1845:386) In 1845-1847]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1986266 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated; Gulf of Guinea [fide Leach (1818:395)]
Loligo bartlingii Lesueur, 1821:95, pl 10.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Onychoteuthis banksii
(Leach, 1817) [fide D'Orbigny (1845:386) In 1845-1847]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ANSP Type; specimen not extant [fide Voss (1962e:1)
and see Lu et al. (1995:311)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo bartramii Lesueur, 1821:90, pl 7.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Ommastrephes
bartramii [fide D'Orbigny (1835 In 1834-1847:55)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ANSP Type; specimen not extant [fide Voss (1962e:1)
and see Lu et al. (1995:312)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Uroteuthis bartschi Rehder, 1945:22, pl 3.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Uroteuthis) bartschi [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 573515 [fide Roper and Sweeney
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Jolo Harbor, Jolo Island, Philippine Islands
Pickfordiateuthis bayeri Roper and Vecchione, 2001:302, figs 1-3.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Undetermined; taxon not yet reviewed
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 817134
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Bahama Islands
Loligo beka Sasaki, 1929:121, text-figs 70-72, pl 13 fig 5.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loliolus
(Nipponololigo) beka [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- FMHU Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Taki and
Igarashi (1967:1)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Kojima Bay, Japan
Loligo bengalensis Jothinayagam, 1987:48, text-fig 17, pl 3.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) bengalensis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Madras, Bay of Bengal, India
Loligo berthelotii Verany, 1839a:96, pl 6.
Lamarck, 1798 [fide D'Orbigny (1845:337) In 1845-1847]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MHNN? [other taxa there fide G.L. Voss
(pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean
Loligo singhalensis beryllae Robson, 1928c:15, figs 4-10.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) singhalensis (Ortmann, 1891) [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved, Syntypes (25+): BMNH Syntypes (7)
1930.1.9.6-12 [only 5 syntypes present; fide Lipinski et al.
(2000:106)]; not traced by Lu et al. (1995)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Indo-China; Gulf of Siam; southern coast of Annam
Loligo bianconii Verany, 1847:514.
sp. [fide Steenstrup (1880:100)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MHNN? Holotype[?] [other taxa there
fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean
Sepioteuthis biangulata Rang, 1837:73, pl 98.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis sepioidea
(Blainville, 1823) [fide Adam (1939d:30)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Fort Royal, Martinique
Sepia bilineata Quoy and Gaimard, 1832:66, pl 2 fig 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis bilineata
[fide Orbigny (1845:300); Species dubium [fide Lu and Tait (1983:199)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- New Holland [Australia], Port Western
Sepioteuthis blainvilliana D’Orbigny, 1826:155.
Sepioteuthis blainvilliana
Ferussac, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:303, Sepioteuthes pl 2
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); authorship and taxon dated from
sp.? [fide Adam (1939d:17)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntypes (2) 2-6-444, 2-6-445, 2-6-446
(gladius), 2-6-447 (beak) [fide Lu et al. (1995:312)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Malacca Strait and Malabar coast
Loligo bleekeri Keferstein, 1866:1402, pls 122, 127.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) bleekeri [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
Loligopsis bomplandi Verany, 1839b:99, pl 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Grimalditeuthis
bonplandi [fide Young (1992:174)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MHNN? [other taxa there fide G.L. Voss
(pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 29oN, 39oW (Atlantic Ocean)
Loligo pealei borealis Verrill, 1880b:292.
Lesueur, 1821 [fide Cohen (1976:306)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Annisquam, Massachusetts
Loligo bouyeri Crosse and Fischer, 1862:138.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Architeuthid? [fide Gervais (1875:93)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Canary Islands[?]
Loligo brasiliensis Blainville, 1823:132.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Brakoniecki (1984b)
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
(1995:312)] [examined at MNHN by G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
Loligo brasiliensis Ferussac, 1823[vol. 3]:67.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Todarodes sagittatus
(Lamarck, 1798) [fide Steenstrup (1880:83)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; “Montfort t.2., p. 61, pl. 13.”
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated\
Loligo breviceps Steenstrup, 1862:288.
Lamarck, 1798 [fide Pfeffer (1908b:27)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
Loligo brevipinna Lesueur, 1824:282, pl 10.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Lolliguncula brevis
(Blainville, 1823) [fide Voss (1956:110)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ANSP Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Voss
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Delaware Bay
Loligo brevipinnis Pfeffer, 1884:5, figs 4-4a.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Nesis (1987a:155)] [see
Loligo pfefferi Hoyle, 1886]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Holotype [species not traced in
Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Ellice Island Group, South Pacific Ocean
Loligo brevis Blainville, 1823:133.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Lolliguncula
(Lolliguncula) brevis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntypes; specimens not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. – “Brazil and Carolina strands”
Sepioteuthis brevis Owen, 1881:137, pl 26 fig 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 (pars) [fide Adam (1939d:29)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Royal College of Surgeon, London?
TYPE LOCALITY. -- "Japanese sea"
Loligo brevitentaculata Quoy and Gaimard, 1832:81.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis
(Lesson, 1830 In 1830-1831) [fide Pfeffer (1900:180)] = Sthenoteuthis
oualaniensis [fide Dunning (1998:427)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- New Guinea
Loligo brongnartii [brongniartii] Blainville, 1823:130.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Illex illecebrosus
(Lesueur, 1821) [fide Pfeffer (1912:390)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntypes (2); specimens not extant [fide Lu et
al. (1995:313)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Uncertain origin, Mediterranean? [fide Lu et al. (1995:313)]
Loligo budo Wakiya and Ishikawa, 1921:285, figs 1, 10.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Uroteuthis (Photololigo)
edulis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes (unknown number)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Nagasaki market; Izumo and Tsushima
Loliolus buitendijki Grimpe, 1932:471.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Loliolus hardwickei
(Gray, 1849) [fide Lu et al. (1985:70)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Panaroekan, Soerabaja, and Madoera Strait; E. Java
Loligo cardioptera Lesueur and Petit, 1807:pl 30 fig 5.
Lesueur, 1821 [fide Steenstrup (1880:96)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntype 3-2-647 [fide Lu et al. (1995:313)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo chinensis Gray, 1849:74.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) chinensis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes (2) 1993021 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Canton market, China
Loliolopsis chiroctes Berry, 1929:267, text-figs 1-9, pls 32, 33.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Lolliguncula (Loliolopsis)
diomedeae (Hoyle, 1904) [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 815722 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:12)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Puerto Escondido, Baja California
Loligo coindetii Verany, 1839a:94, pl 4.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Illex
coindetii [fide Steenstrup (1880:82)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Neotype 727457 [fide Roper et al. (1998:411)]
[see also Lu et al. (1995:313)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Port Vendres, France [fide Roper et al. (1998:411)]
Loligo edulis communis Sasaki, 1929:109.
Loligo corolliflora Tilesius, 1831:286, pl 73 figs 4-7.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Nomen oblitum [fide Voss (1965:155)]
Loligo cranchii Blainville, 1823:123.
Leach, 1817 [fide D'Orbigny (1845:240) In 1845-1847]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; [other Blainville types at MNHN?] [not
reported by Lu et al. (1995)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mers occidentales de l'Afrique
Loligo diomedeae Hoyle, 1904b:29, pls 5-6.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Lolliguncula
(Loliolopsis) diomedeae [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 574847 [fide Roper and Sweeney
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 16∞47'30"N, 99∞59'30"W (Pacific Ocean)
Sepioteuthis doreiensis
Quoy, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:300, Sepioteuthe pl 3 fig 2
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); taxon dated from plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 [fide Lu and Tait (1983:197)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 2-6-454 and 2-6-455 (gladius) [fide
Lu et al. (1995:315)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Port Dorey, New Guinea
Loligo duvaucelii
D'Orbigny, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:318, Calamar pls 14, 20
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); taxon dated from plate 14]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) duvauceli [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Synypes; specimens not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- India; Sumatra; etc.
Loligo eblanae Ball, 1841:364, figs 1-7.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Todaropsis
eblanae [fide Pfeffer (1900:179)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Science and Art Museum, Dublin [fide
Hoyle (1903:1)].
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Dublin Bay, Ireland
Loligo edulis Hoyle, 1885c:186.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Uroteuthis (Photololigo)
edulis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1889.4.24.83 [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:106)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Purchased in market, Yokohama, Japan
Sepioteuthis ehrhardti Pfeffer, 1884:3, figs 1-1a.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis sepioidea
(Blainville, 1823)(pars) [fide Adam (1939d:26)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Holotype [species not traced in
Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Barbados
Loligopsis ellipsoptera Adams and Reeve, 1848[1848-1850]:2, pl 1 fig 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Leachia
(Leachia) ellipsoptera [fide Nesis (1987a:270)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. –- Unresolved; Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Voss
TYPE LOCALITY. -- North Atlantic Ocean
Loligo ellipsura Hoyle, 1885c:182.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Brakoniecki
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1889.4.24.91 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 52∞20'S, 67∞39'W, off Cape Virgins, Patagonia, Argentina
Loligo emmakina Gray, 1849:71.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Brakoniecki,
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1845.9.26.94 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- "Para" [Brazil]
Loligo etheridgei Berry, 1918:243, text-figs 28-38, pls 67-69.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Photololigo chinensis
(Gray, 1849) [fide Natsukari (1984a:232) = Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) chinensis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- AMS Holotype C148250 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:13)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- "Australian Seas (?S.E.)"
Loligo felina Blainville, 1823:127.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Onychoteuthis banksii
(Leach, 1817) [fide D’Orbigny (1845:386) In 1845-1847]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Baie des Chiens Marins, New Holland [Shark Bay, Australia]
Loligo forbesii Steenstrup, 1856:189, pl 1 fig 2.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species with unresolved generic
affinity [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:221)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Syntype? (1) [fide Kristensen and Knudsen
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Atlantic Ocean
Loligo formosana Sasaki, 1929:109, text-fig 161, pl 30 fig 13.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Uroteuthis (Photololigo)
chinensis (Gray, 1849) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:227)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- FMHU Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Taki and
Igarashi (1967:1)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Tainan market, Formosa
Loligo fusus Risso, 1854:19, pl 8 figs 1-2.
Steenstrup, 1856 (pars) [fide Adam (1942:9)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- medium depths [?Nice]
Loligo gahi D'Orbigny, 1835 In 1834-1847:60, pl 3 figs 1-2.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) gahi [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntype 2-3-375 [fide Lu et al. (1995:316)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Valparaiso, Chile
Loligo galatheae Hoyle, 1885c:183.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Uroteuthis (Photololigo)
duvauceli (D'Orbigny, 1835) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:227)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; 2 Paratypes at BMNH (1889.4.24.95-6)
[fide Lipinski et al. (2000:106)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Panay, Philippine Islands
Loligo gotoi Sasaki, 1929:116, text-figs 66-67, pl 14 figs 10-13.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Nipponololigo uyii
(Wakiya and Ishikawa, 1921) [fide Natsukari (1983:314)] = Loliolus
(Nipponololigo) uyii [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- FMHU Syntypes; specimens not extant [fide Taki and
Igarashi (1967:1)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Nagasaki, Japan
Loligo edulis grandipes (forma) Sasaki, 1929:109.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Uroteuthis (Photololigo)
edulis (Hoyle, 1885) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:227)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes (2)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Fukuoka market, Japan
Loligo gronovii Ferussac, 1845 In D'Orbigny, 1845-1847:352.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Incertae sedis [fide Sweeney and
Vecchione (1998:228)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant; based only on
description by Gronovius (1781 In 1763-1781) [fide Lu et al. (1995:317)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Sepioteuthis guinensis Quoy and Gaimard, 1832:72, pl 3 figs 1-7.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 (pars) [fide Adam (1939d:29)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotpye 2-6-454 and 2-6-455 (gladius) [fide
Lu et al. (1995:317)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Port Dorey, New Guinea
Loligopsis guttata Grant, 1833a:22, figs 2-10.
Lesueur, 1821 [fide Pfeffer (1912:650)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Indian Ocean
Loligo hardwickei Gray, 1849:69.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loliolus
(Loliolus) hardwickei [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:219)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes (2) 1947.3.15.1-2 [fide Lipinski et
al. (2000:107)]
Loligo hartingii Verrill, 1875b:86, fig 28.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Architeuthis
hartingii [fide Verrill (1880:240) In 1879-1880]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- University of Utrecht as Architeuthis
dux, identification by Harting
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo hemiptera Howell, 1867:239, pl 13.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Lolliguncula brevis
(Blainville, 1823) [fide Voss (1956:110)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ANSP Holotype A6442 (previous no. 74053) [fide
Spamer and Bogan (1992:2)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Gulf of Mexico
Sepioteuthis hemprichii Ehrenberg, 1831:[2].
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 (pars) [fide Adam (1941d:2)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMB Syntype 69 [fide Adam (1941d:1, pl 1 fig 1)]
[species not traced in Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Near Tor, Arabia Petraea, Red Sea
Loligo illecebrosus Lesueur, 1821:95, pl [11].
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Illex
illecebrosus [fide Steenstrup (1880)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Neotype 727456 [fide Roper et al. (1998:408)]
[see also Lu et al. (1995:318)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire, USA [fide Roper et al. (1998:408)]
Loligo indica Pfeffer, 1884:4, figs 3-3a.
(D'Orbigny, 1835 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848) [fide Adam (1934:7)]
= Uroteuthis (Photololigo) duvaucelii [fide
Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Holotype [species not traced in
Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
Sepioteuthis indica Goodrich, 1896:5, pl 1 figs 9-19.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 (pars) [fide Adam (1939d:18)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; ZSI? Syntypes (9)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Andamans and Singapore
Loliolus investigatoris Goodrich, 1896:8, pl 2 figs 29-37.
hardwickei (Gray, 1849) [fide Lu et al. (1985:70)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mutlah River; Ye River; etc
Loligo japonica Hoyle, 1885c:187.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loliolus
(Nipponololigo) japonica [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1889.4.24.94 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Purchased at market, Yokohama, Japan
Loligo kensaki Wakiya and Ishikawa, 1921:283, text-fig 4, pl 1 fig 9.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Uroteuthis (Photololigo)
edulis (Hoyle, 1885) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:228)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes (unknown number)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Hamada, Kii; Sadanomisaki, Iyo; Hiroshima, Aki; Nagasaki,
Hizen; Bay of Toyama
Loligo kobiensis Hoyle, 1885c:184.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Nipponololigo sumatrensis
(D'Orbigny, 1835) [fide Natsukari (1984b:262)] = Loliolus
(Nipponololigo) sumatrensis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1889.4.24.81 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 34∞39'N, 135∞14'E, Bay of Kobe, Japan
Sepioteuthis krempfi Robson, 1928c:28, figs 13-16.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 (pars) [fide Adam (1939d:21)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 2-5-441 [fide Lu et al. (1995:318)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Indo-China, province unknown
Loligo laevis Blainville, 1823:123.
[fide Steenstrup (1861b:79)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; [other Blainville types at MNHN]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mers d'Afrique
Loligo lanceolata Rafinesque, 1814:29.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Nomen nudum [fide Hoyle (1886:31)]
Loligo laticeps Owen, 1836:20.
Lesueur, 1821 [fide Steenstrup (1880:96)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Museum of the Royal College of
Surgeons? Syntypes (4) [fide Owen (1842:103)] [see Owen (1842:pl 21
figs 6-12)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- In Sargasso weed at 29∞17'N, 46∞57'W
(Atlantic Ocean)
Loligo leachii Blainville, 1823:124.
Lesueur, 1821 [fide Hoyle (1885d:326)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo lepturo Leach, 1817b:141.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Enoploteuthis
leptura [fide Ruppell (1844)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1993017 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated; 01∞08'N, 07∞26'E (Gulf of
Guinea) [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:107)]
Sepioteuthis lessoniana D'Orbigny, 1826:155.
Sepioteuthis lessoniana Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831:241, pl 11.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Vecchione et al.
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Chondrosepia loliginiformis Ruppell and Leuckart, 1828:21, pl 6.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Sepioteuthis
loliginiformis [fide Ehrenberg (1831:[3])]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- "Mus. Francof."; SMF Holotype 23805
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Near Mohila, Red Sea
Sepia loligo Linne, 1758:659.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- On Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology (ICZN Opinion 1861, 1997:59)
Sepioteuthis lunulata Quoy and Gaimard, 1832:74, pl 3 figs 8-13.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 [fide Adam (1939d:25)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntype 2-6-442 and 2-6-443 (gladius) [fide Lu
et al. (1995:319)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Vanikoro Island, Manere coast, Pacific Ocean
Loligo macrophthalma Lafont, 1871:274, pl 15.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Incertae sedis [fide Sweeney and
Vecchione (1998:228)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Ocean [Atlantic], off the channels [France]
Sepioteuthis madagascariensis Gray, 1849:80.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Adam (1939d:26)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1993018 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Madagascar
Sepioteuthis? major Gray, 1828:3, pl 4 fig 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Thysanoteuthis rhombus
Troschel, 1857 [fide Adam (1939d:26)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Cape of Good Hope?
Sepioteuthis malayana Wulker, 1913:478, fig 7.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 [fide Sasaki (1929:127)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; ZMH Syntypes (4) 3851 + 3852 [fide
Guerrero-Kommritz (2001:173)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Sumatra; Sabang; Celebes; St. Matthias; Samoa
Loligo marmorae Verany, 1839a:95, pl 5.
(Linne, 1758) [fide Hoyle (1886:30)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MHNN Type [fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean
Sepioteuthis mauritiana Quoy and Gaimard, 1832:76, pl 4 figs 2-6.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 [fide Adam (1939d:30)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntype 2-6-449 and 2-6-450 (gladius) [fide Lu
et al. (1995:320)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Ile de France [Mauritius]
Loligo maxima Blainville, 1823:129.
sp. [fide Steenstrup (1880:105)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- In doubt [fide Lu et al. (1995:320)]
Sepia media Linne, 1758:659.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Alloteuthis) media [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; LS?
Loligo mediterranea Targioni-Tozzetti, 1869a:593.
Lamarck, 1798 [fide Hoyle (1886:28)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MZUF Holotype; specimen not located [fide Borri et
al. (1988:25)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean Sea
Loligo meneghinii Verany, 1847:513.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Voss and Voss
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MHNN? Holotype[?] [other Verany taxa
there fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean[?]
Lolliguncula mercatoris Adam, 1941b:125, text-figs 13-18, pl 3.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Lolliguncula
(Lolliguncula) mercatoris [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- IRSNB Holotype [fide F.G. Hochberg (pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Luderitz Bay, SW Africa
Loligo microcephala Lafont, 1871:273, pl 14.
Lamarck, 1798 [fide Naef (1923:197)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Ocean [Atlantic], off the channels [France]
Loligo minima
D'Orbigny, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:319, Cranchie, pl 1 figs 4-5
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); taxon dated from plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species?; Idiosepius
minimus [fide Berry (1932:49)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Coast of Africa
Loligo moulinsi Lafont, 1871:274.
Steenstrup, 1856 [fide Naef (1923:203)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes
TYPE LOCALITY. -- L'Ocean [Atlantic, off France]
Loligo edulis nagasakensis Sasaki, 1929:109, text-fig 59, pl 13 fig 4.
(Hoyle, 1885) [fide Okutani et al. (1987:99)] = Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) edulis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes (3)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Nagasaki and vicinity, Japan
Loligo neglecta Gray, 1849:72.
Lamarck, 1798 [fide Hoyle (1886:28)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1947.3.6.2 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Malta [Mediterranean Sea]
Sepioteuthis neoguinaica Pfeffer, 1884:4, figs 2-2a.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 [fide Adam (1939d:28)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Holotype [species not traced in
Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- New Guinea
Loliolus noctiluca Lu, Roper and Tait, 1985:59, figs 1-6.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) noctiluca [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMV Holotype F31119
TYPE LOCALITY. -- North Port Phillip Bay, Australia
Sepioteuthis occidentalis Robson, 1926b:352, figs 2-5.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis sepioidea
(Blainville, 1823) (pars) [fide Adam (1939d:30)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1889.4.24.14 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Tobago, West Indies
Loligopsis ocellata Owen, 1881:139, pl 26 figs 3-8, pl 27.
species dubium [fide Voss (1969:855)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved [fide Voss (1969:856)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- "Chinese sea"
Loligo ocula Cohen, 1976:330, figs 15-30.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) ocula [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 727093 [fide Roper and Sweeney
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 22∞59'N, 78∞43'W (Atlantic Ocean)
Loligo odagadium Rafinesque, 1814:29.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Nomen nudum [fide Hoyle (1886:31)]
Loligo opalescens Berry, 1911c:591.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) opalescens [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- CASIZ Holotype 017970 [fide Sweeney et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Puget Sound, Washington
Loligo oshimai Sasaki, 1929:123, text-figs 162-164, pl 30 fig 14.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Photololigo duvauceli
(D'Orbigny, 1835) [fide Natsukari (1984a:232)] = Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) duvauceli [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- FMHU Syntypes (8); specimens not extant [fide Taki
and Igarashi (1967:1)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Tainan fish market, Formosa [Taiwan]
Loligo oualaniensis Lesson, 1830 In 1830-1831:240, pl 1 fig 2.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Sthenoteuthis
oualaniensis [fide Verrill (1881:387) In 1880-1881]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Oualan Island, Caroline Archipelago
Sepioteuthis ovata Gabb, 1869:193, pl 17.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis sepioidea
(Blainville, 1823) [fide Adam (1939d:30)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ANSP Syntypes (2) A6451 (previous no. 74060) [fide
Spamer and Bogan (1992:2)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Santa Cruz Island, West Indies [St. Croix, Virgin
Islands] [fide Voss (1962e:2)]
Loligo pallida Verrill, 1873b:635, pl 20 figs 101-101a.
Lesueur, 1821 [fide Cohen (1976:306)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Long Island Sound
Lolliguncula panamensis Berry, 1911b:100, text-figs 1-7, pl 7.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Lolliguncula
(Lolliguncula) panamensis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- CASIZ Holotype 017968 [fide Sweeney et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Panama (Pacific Ocean)
Loligo parva Leach, 1817b:141.
(Linneaus, 1758) [fide Hoyle (1886:30)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Not designated
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo patagonica Smith, 1881:24, pl 3 figs 2-2d.
D'Orbigny, 1835 [fide Brakoniecki (1984b:435)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes (2) 1880.10.8.2-3 [fide Lipinski et
al. (2000:108)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Alert Harbor, West coast of Patagonia
Loligo pavo Lesueur, 1821:96, pl 12.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Taonius
pavo [fide Steenstrup (1861b:70)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 7-3-743 [fide Lu et al. (1995:322)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Sandy Bay, Atlantic Ocean
Loligo pealeii Lesueur, 1821:92, pl 8.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) pealeii [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ANSP Type; specimen not extant [fide Voss (1962e)];
[not traced by Lu et al. (1995)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- South Carolina, Atlantic Ocean
Loligopsis perlatus Risso, 1854:39, pl 18 figs 1-2.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Chiroteuthis veranyi
(Ferussac, 1834) [fide Adam (1952:111)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- areas of gravel [?Nice]
Loligopsis peronii Lamarck, 1822 In 1815-1822:660.
sp. [fide Berry (1932:51)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Austral Seas
Loligo pfefferi Hoyle, 1886:29.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- New name for Loligo brevipinnis Pfeffer, 1884 = Species dubium [fide Nesis (1987a:155)]
Doryteuthis pickfordi Adam, 1954:149, text-figs 19-21, pl 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species with unresolved generic
affinity [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:221)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Cote Sud de Flores, 122∞39'E
Loligo picteti Joubin, 1894a:60, pls 3-4.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Idiosepius
picteti [fide Berry (1932:47)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MOM? Syntypes (2) [syntypes not traced
by Belloc (1950)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Amboina [Indonesia]
Loligo pillae Verany, 1851:112, pl 36, figs d-g.
(Verany, 1839) [fide Naef (1923:430)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MHNN? Syntypes (2) [other Verany taxa
there fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- “le marche de Genes”
Loligo pironneauii Souleyet, 1852:20, pl 2 figs 1-5.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Ommastrephes bartramii
(Lesueur, 1821) [fide Pfeffer (1912:466)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntype 2-4-402 (gladius only) [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 8∞N, 22∞W of Paris (Atlantic Ocean)
Loligo piscatorum LaPylaie, 1825:319, pl 16.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Illex illecebrosus
(Lesueur, 1821) [fide Steenstrup (1880:90)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo plagioptera Souleyet, 1852:24, pl 2 figs 14-22.
Lesueur, 1821 [fide Clarke (1966:149)] and Octopodidae (MNHN 3-2-649) [fide†
Lu et al. (1995)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntypes [2] 3-2-648 and 3-2-649 [fide Lu et
al. (1995:323)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 29∞N, 37∞W of Paris (Atlantic Ocean)
Loligo plei Blainville, 1823:132.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) plei [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Lectotype 2-3-392 [fide Lu et al. (1995:323)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Martinique, West Indies [fide Cohen (1976:345)]
Loligo poeyianus
Ferussac, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:313, Calmar pl 19 figs 1-3
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:102); authorship and taxon dated from
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Brakoniecki
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Pickfordiateuthis pulchella Voss, 1953:602, figs 1-16.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Brakoniecki (1996:10)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 574846 [fide Roper and Sweeney
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Old Rhodes Key, Florida, Gulf of Mexico
Loligo pulchra Blainville, 1823:131.
Lamarck, 1798 [fide D'Orbigny (1845:337) In 1845-1847]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Loire River mouth, France
Loligo punctata DeKay, 1843:3, pl 1 fig 1.
Lesueur, 1821 [fide Verrill (1880-1881:306)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Northern shore of Long Island, New York
Loligo rangii
Ferussac, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:308, Calmar pl 19 figs 4-6
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:102); authorship and taxon dated from
Lamarck, 1798 [fide D'Orbigny (1845:337) In 1845-1847]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Doryteuthis reesi Voss, 1962a:173.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) reesi [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 575323 [fide Roper and Sweeney
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Port Maricaban, southern Luzon, Philippine Islands
Loligo reynaudii
D'Orbigny, 1839-1841
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:315, Calamar pl 24
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:102); taxon dated from plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid subspecies; Loligo
vulgaris reynaudi [fide Augustyn and Grant (1988:230)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic Ocean [fide Lu et al.
Loliolus rhomboidalis Burgess, 1967:319, figs 1-5.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Loliolus (Nipponololigo)
sumatrensis (D'Orbigny, 1835) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:230)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 576159 [fide Roper and Sweeney
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 19∞50'N, 92∞32'E (Indian Ocean)
Photololigo robsoni Alexeyev, 1992:13, fig 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) robsoni [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMMGU Holotype Y-363 [not listed in Ivanov and
Sysoev (2000:109)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Mozambique, 19∞45'S, 36∞22'E
Loligo roperi Cohen, 1976:346, figs 27-30.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) roperi [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 727777 [fide Roper and Sweeney
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 25∞42'30"N, 79∞20'W (Atlantic Ocean)
Loligo sagittata Lamarck, 1798:130.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Todarodes
sagittatus [fide Steenstrup (1880:83)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Synypes; specimens not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- “sur les cotes de l’Ocean de l’Europe et de
l’Amerique” [fide Lamarck (1799a:14)]
Loligo sanpaulensis Brakoniecki, 1984a:102, text-figs 3-5.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) sanpaulensis [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 815464
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 41∞47'S, 63∞35'W (Atlantic Ocean)
Loligopsis schneehagenii Pfeffer, 1884:23, fig 31.
pacifica (Issel, 1908) [fide Nesis (1987a:270)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Holotype [species not traced in
Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
Sepioteuthis sepiacea Blainville, 1824:175.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Lapsus calami of Loligo sepioidea Blainville, 1823 [fide Hoyle (1910b)]
Loligo sepioidea Blainville, 1823:133.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis sepioidea
[fide D'Orbigny (1845:320) In 1845-1847]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntypes (2); specimens not extant [fide Lu et
al. (1995:324)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Martinique
Doryteuthis sibogae Adam, 1954:146, text-figs 16, 18, pl 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) sibogae [fide Norman and Lu (2000)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; ZMA? Holotype
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Cote SE de Soemba [Indonesia]
Sepioteuthis sicula Verany, 1851:75, pl 27.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Chtenopteryx
sicula [fide Pfeffer (1900:172)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MHNN? Holotype [other Verany taxa there
fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Messina [Italy] [fide Pfeffer (1912:337)]
Sepioteuthis sieboldi Joubin, 1898c:27.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 [fide Sasaki (1929:127)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Waigeou [Island, NE Moluccas, Indonesia]
Sepioteuthis sinensis D'Orbigny, 1848 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:304
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Ferussac, 1831 In Lesson, 1830-1831 (pars) [fide Adam (1939d:29)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Not designated [see also Lu et al. (1995:325)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo singhalensis Ortmann, 1891:676, pl 46 fig 3a-d.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) singhalensis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes (3): BMNH? 1930.1.9.6-12 [fide
C. Roper (pers. comm.), not extant fide Lipinski et al. (2000:114)];
and MZUS? [fide Johnson (1977:239)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Ceylon [Sri Lanka]
Sepioteuthis sloanii Gray, 1849:81.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepioteuthis sepioidea
(Blainville, 1823) (pars) [fide Adam (1939d:30)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes 1993046 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Honduras
Loligo smythii Leach, 1817b:141.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Enoploteuthis leptura
(Leach, 1817) [fide Roper (1966:5)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntype 1993016 [fide Lipinski et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated; West Africa, 01∞08N,
07∞26'30"E [sic] [fide Roper (1966:17)]
Loligo spectrum Pfeffer, 1884:5, figs 5-5a.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Incertae sedis [fide Sweeney and
Vecchione (1998:230)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Syntypes (3) [species not traced in
Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Marquesas
Loligo stearnsii Hemphill, 1892:51.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Name suppressed by ICZN [fide Voss
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- No type material [fide Voss (1974:51)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- San Francisco and Oakland, California fish markets
Loliolus steenstrupi Dall, 1871:97.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Lu et al. (1985:78)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Near mouth of Colorado River, Gulf of California
Loligo subulata Lamarck, 1798:130
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Alloteuthis) subulata [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean, ocean of Europe
Loligo sumatrensis
D'Orbigny, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:317, Calmar pl 13 figs 1-3
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); taxon dated from plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loliolus
(Nipponololigo) sumatrensis [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Lectotype 2-3-383 [fide Natsukari (1984b:259)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Sumatra [fide Lu et al. (1995:325)]
Loligo surinamensis Voss, 1974:43, figs 1-3.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Subgenus undetermined) surinamensis [fide Vecchione
et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- RMNH Holotype alc. 9010
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 30 miles northeast of lightship "Suriname Rivier",
off the coast of Surinam
Loligo tagoi Sasaki, 1929:118, text-figs 68-69, pl 14 fig 14.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Loliolus (Nipponololigo)
uyii (Wakiya and Ishikawa, 1921) [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Urado, Tosa Province, Japan
Loligo tetradynamia Ortmann, 1888:659, pls 23, 25.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Loliolus (Nipponololigo)
japonica (Hoyle, 1885) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:231)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MZUS Syntypes [fide Johnson (1977:239)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Tokyo Bay and Kochi, Japan
Octopodia teuthis Schneider, 1784:113.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Rejected specific name [fide Opinion 233, ICZN (1954:278)]
Loligo todarus Rafinesque, 1814:29.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Nomen nudum [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:231)] [see also Lu et al. (1995:326)]
Loligo touchardii Souleyet, 1852:22, pl 2 figs 6-13.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Ommastrephes bartramii
(Lesueur, 1821) [fide Pfeffer (1912:466)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntype 7-3-724 [fide Lu et al. (1995:326)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Pacific Ocean
Loligo tricarinata Gray, 1849:73.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Incertae sedis [fide Sweeney and
Vecchione (1998:231)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes ("shells"); not found [fide Lipinski
et al. (2000:114)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Isle of France
Lolliguncula tydeus Brakoniecki, 1980:424, figs 1, 2.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Lolliguncula panamensis
Berry, 1911 [fide Brakoniecki (1986:47)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 729950
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Corinto, Nicaragua (Pacific Ocean)
Loliolus typus Steenstrup, 1856:194, pl 1 fig 5.
hardwickei (Gray, 1849) [fide Lu et al. (1985:70)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Holotype [fide Kristensen and Knudsen
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo uncinata Quoy and Gaimard, 1825 In 1824-1826:410, pl 66 fig 7.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Onychoteuthis banksii
(Leach, 1817) [fide Pfeffer (1912:70)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo urceolatus Risso, 1854:25, pl 10 figs 1-4.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Loligo (Alloteuthis)
media (Linne, 1758) [fide Sweeney and Vecchione (1998:231)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- areas of seaweed [?Nice]
Loligo uyii Wakiya and Ishikawa, 1921:286, fig 12a-h.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loliolus
(Nipponololigo) uyii [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MSUT Holotype?; specimen not extant [fide
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Bay of Kagoshima, Kii, Japan
Loligo vanikoriensis Quoy and Gaimard, 1832:79, pl 5 figs 1, 2.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis
(Lesson, 1830 In 1830-1831) [fide Pfeffer (1900:180)] = Sthenoteuthis
oualaniensis [fide Dunning (1998:427)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntypes (2) 3-5-683 [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Vanikoro Island, Pacific Ocean
Loligopsis veranyi Ferussac, 1834:355.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Chiroteuthis
(Chiroteuthis) veranyi veranyi [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1996:15)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MHNN Syntype [examined by G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
[see also Lu et al. (1995:327)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean (from dolphin stomach)
Loligopsis vermicolaris Ruppell, 1844:133 [5].
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Chiroteuthis veranyi
(Ferussac, 1834) [fide Naef (1923:381)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- SMF Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Schafer
Loligo vitreus
Rang, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:347, Calmar pl 21 fig 7
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:102); authorship & taxon dated from
plates 18-19]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Ommastrephes bartramii
(Lesueur, 1821) [fide D'Orbigny (1845:420)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Equatorial ocean, coast of Africa
Loligo (Loligo) vossi Nesis, 1982:144.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Uroteuthis
(Photololigo) vossi [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:218)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 817757
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Port Langca, Dumaran Island, Philippine Islands
Pickfordiateuthis vossi Brakoniecki, 1996:16, figs 4C, 5-7.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide; taxon not yet
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 884276
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Bahia Magdelena, Mexico, 24.6∞N, 112.1∞W
Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798:130.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Loligo
(Loligo) vulgaris [fide Vecchione et al. (1998:220)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Loligo yokoyae Ishikawa, 1926:30, fig 1.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Loliolus (Nipponololigo)
sumatrensis (D'Orbigny, 1835 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848) [fide
Natsukari (1984b:262)] =
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Shikoku, Kagawa Pref., Japan
Loligopsis zygaena Verany, 1847:513.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Voss (1980:403)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved [fide Voss (1980:403)]; MHNN? [other Verany types
there fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
Type Repositories
AMS- Australian Museum, P.O. Box A285,† 6-8 College Street, Sydney South, New South Wales 2000, Australia.† [For type catalogs see Rudman (1983); Sweeney, Roper and Hochberg (1988) for S.S. Berry types]
ANSP-Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th & The Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103, U.S.A.† [For type catalogs see Voss (1962e); Spamer and Bogan (1992)]
BMNH-The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England (formerly British Museum (Natural History)).† [For type catalog see Lipinski et al. (2000)]
CASIZ-California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118, U.S.A.† [For type catalogs see Smith (1974); Sweeney, Roper and Hochberg (1988)]
FMHU- Fisheries Museum, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, Nishi 5, Kita 8, Sapporo 060, Hakodate, Japan (includes Laboratory of Marine Zoology (HUMZ) collection).† [For type catalog see Taki and Igarashi (1967)]
IRSNB-Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Rue Vautier 29, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium (formerly MusÈe royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique).
LS-† Linnean Society of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0LQ, England.† [For type catalogs see Dodge (1953, 1959)]
MHNN-Museum d'Histoire Naturelle (MusÈe Barla), 60 bis blvd Risso, 06300 Nice, France.
MNHN-Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire Biologie Invertebres Marins et Malacologie, 55, rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris 05, France.† [For type catalog see Lu et al. (1995)]
MOM- MusÈe OcÈanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin, Monaco-Ville, MC98000, Monaco.† [For type catalog see Belloc (1950)]
MSUT-University Museum, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyoku, Tokyo 113, Japan (includes former Tokyo Imperial University (TIU) collection and University of Tokyo Department of Fisheries (FUMT) collection).
MZUF-Museo Zoologico de la Specola, Universita di Firenze, Via Romana 17, 50125 Firenze, Italy.† [For type catalog see Borri et al. (1988)]
MZUS-MusÈe Zoologique, Universite Louis Pasteur & de la Ville de Strasbourg, 29 Boulevard de la Victoire, F67000 Strasbourg, France.† [See Johnson (1977) for Ortmann types]
NMGW- National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF1 3NP, Wales.
NMNH-National Museum of Natural History, 10th & Constitution Avenue, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. (formerly USNM).† [For type catalogs see Roper and Sweeney (1978); Sweeney et al. (1988)]
NMV- Museum of Victoria, 285-321 Russell Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia (formerly National Museum of Victoria).† [For type catalog see Lu (1983)]
RMNH-Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Raamsteeg 2, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands (formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie).† [See Bayer (1950) for list of collections]
SMF- Naturmuseum und Forschungsinstitut Seckenberg, Senckenberg Anlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt, Germany.† [For type catalog see Schafer (1938)]
ZMA- Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, P.O. Box 4766, 1009 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
ZMB- Zoologisches Museum, Museum f¸r Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Invalidenstrasse 43, D-1040 Berlin, Germany.† [For type catalog see Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000)]
ZMH- Zoologisches Museum, Universitat Hamburg, Martin Luther King Platz 3, 2000 Hamburg 13, Germany.† [For type catalog see Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
ZMMGU-Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, u1. Gensena 6, Moscow, Russia.† [For type catalog see Ivanov and Sysoev (2000)]
ZMUC-Kobenhavns Universitet, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.† [For type catalog see Kristensen and Knudsen (1983); See also Volsoe et al. (1962) for Steenstrup papers]
ZSI- Zoological Survey of India, "M" Block, New Alipore, Calcutta 700053, India.† [For type catalog see Thomson (In prep.)]