ToL Scientific Contributors for Planctoteuthis danae
- Stephanie Bush Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (Galiteuthis pacifica, Leachia danae, Planctoteuthis danae)
- F. G. Hochberg Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California, USA (Gonatidae, Octopodoidea)
- Henk-Jan Hoving GEOMAR-Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Galiteuthis pacifica, Leachia danae, Vampyroteuthis infernalis)
- Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003) Laboratoire Arago, Banyuls-Sur-Mer, France (Cephalopoda)
- Michael Vecchione National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA (Cephalopoda)
- Richard E. Young University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA (Cephalopoda, Pterotracheoidea)